Tag: Jazz
NYJOS – Summer School

The summer school represents a wide range of ability but a common enthusiasm for jazz. Any instrument is welcome. Students gain experience of playing in small combos and enjoy classes covering rhythm, harmony, listening, theory and much more. Each day of the summer school concludes with a jazz club where anyone can take the floor.
Thanks to the support of Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative, a number of subsidised places are available for our Training Ensembles and Jazz Summer School. Please visit our Financial Assistance page for further information.
NYOS Jazz applications are now closed and will open again in September 2020.
Open to keen young musicians who want to improve their ensemble and improvisation skills? Are you aged between 12 and 21 and have links to Scotland i.e.
- born in Scotland
- living in Scotland
- studying in Scotland or;
- with Scottish family
Standard: Instrumentalists and vocalists who are comfortable on their instrument and share an enthusiasm for jazz. We welcome all levels to this course, including young people with less experience who are keen to learn more and develop.
Further details can be found on the NYOS website
NYJOS – Jazz Access

Young instrumentalists and vocalists enjoy opportunities to refine their improvisation and key solo and ensemble skills, as a step along the pathway to participation in the flagship Jazz Orchestra. They perform a wide range of big band repertoire including traditional jazz standards and more modern repertoire; through this they also learn key jazz history.
Having performed at venues across Scotland, including residencies at the Aberdeen Festival, 2016 will be the first year when Access goes on the Summer Tour with the flagship Jazz Orchestra, performing at 2 Scottish venues in July.
NYOS Jazz applications are now closed and will open again in September 2020.
Open to keen young musicians who want to improve their ensemble and improvisation skills? Are you aged between 13 and 17 and have links to Scotland i.e.
- born in Scotland
- living in Scotland
- studying in Scotland or;
- with Scottish family
Standard: Open to instrumentalists and vocalists who are proficient on their instrument with some experience of improvising.
Further details can be found on the NYOS website
NYJOS – National Youth Jazz Orchestra of Scotland

Under the direction of Malcolm Edmonstone and Andrew Bain, NYOS Jazz is for talented young musicians. It provides education, performance experience and the opportunity to learn from and play with world class soloists. To date, the Jazz Orchestra has undertaken new commissions, made studio recordings, performed at International Festivals (including the BBC Proms and the London Jazz Festival) and has worked with international guest artists Liane Carroll, Iain Ballamy, Mike Walker, Iain Dixon, Chris Batchelor, Mark Lockheart, Jacqui Dankworth and Duncan Lamont.
NYOS Jazz applications are now closed and will open again in September 2020.
If you are an instrumentalist or vocalist aged between 14 and 25 and have links to Scotland i.e.
- born in Scotland
- living in Scotland
- studying in Scotland or;
- with Scottish family
Standard: Open to instrumentalists and vocalists (ABRSM Grade 6 or equivalent) MUST be a competent/experienced improviser (Qualification as a guide only)
Further details can be found on the NYOS website